Thursday, July 19, 2007

PAG Opens Temple Door

          by Torin

Today PAG and friends moved across much of Metz Island to unlock the mystery of the Tepui Temple. From previous trips and the work of many other individuals and groups, we knew that the temple had a door that was impassable. We believed that the key to opening the door was activating the three pairs of torches, which are linked to sparkles in other temples on the island. A few days ago, Puddleby Task Force had succeeded in lighting a second pair of torches.

Activating some of the sparkles in distant temples turned out to be the key that lit all three pairs of torches. We were able to pass through the door and into a large room beyond. The room had an altar, several large pillars, three large statues, and three more locked doors.

OWE present: J'jh, Kalian, Torin, and Yor.

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At July 20, 2007 at 2:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We built the tracks, we built the train. You're claiming you built the tracks, and you built the train. All you're doing is taking a ride in the train we built. Congratulations on almost finishing our puzzle.

At July 20, 2007 at 6:12 AM , Blogger Torin said...

All I'm doing is telling what I see. If someone has published an account of relevant earlier adventures, I'd be happy to link to it. Just let me know.

At July 20, 2007 at 6:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh nice Anonymous, at least post your name.

You should know that PAG is not a secret group we openly tell people what we are doing, invite plenty of guest and non members and try to keep the public involved as much as we can without ruining others enjoyment.

You can play the game your secret way that's your choice but why berate us for saying we have solved a riddle just because you have as well.

Me thinks you need to grow up a little judging by your comment. And have the balls to post your name.

At July 20, 2007 at 8:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Almost none of the exploration of Metzetli has been done by PAG, actually. It's been almost entirely done by smaller groups that don't widely publish their findings. That said, I have no idea what the original article said here, because I didn't see it.


At July 20, 2007 at 8:29 AM , Blogger Torin said...

Well, you can't have your cake and eat it too. The post (which will be back up soon) wasn't intended to be bragging. It's just a personal account of a cool event that I was privileged to be a part of. I don't pretend to know the whole story. I just tell my little part of it.

At July 20, 2007 at 11:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can assure anonymous that Torin's intentions were nothing but good. He's certainly done more to try and save CL in recent months than most and this blog is part of that.

Posting it here, and so quickly, wasn't the best idea and he obviously understands that now. No need to anonymously bash him like that. Next time ask him to remove it and tell him why. He's a reasonable guy.

As for yesterday it should be pointed out that it wasn't our group's idea. The idea came from a person who is a regular contributer to what I presume to be your (anonymous's) group. There were other contributers from your group there as well yesterday. But even they can't be blamed for anything. The quest has been there for a year now and nothing significant had happened with it for quite some time (which also isn't our fault). It's obvious a fair amount of manpower is needed for this, which probably has alot to do with why nothing has happened for awhile, so the idea was brought up by said person to PAG to help out. That's it. No sinister plot.

As for the "track and train building" reference, that's just silly. I hate to break it to you but those tracks and that train were built by a variety of individuals. Certainly some of the people in your group (some of which were with us yesterday) are the most instrumental in opening that door but it's arrogant and presumptuous to just dismiss everybody else's efforts by saying "taking a ride in the train we built" and "our puzzle". Get a grip.

Finally, what happened was a mostly featureless room was found with MORE unopenable doors. And the members of your (once again I presume) group were appropriately the first to port in.

So relax and go solve the rest of the puzzle.


At August 10, 2007 at 1:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice post. -Org


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