Saturday, January 17, 2009

Darshak Ambush!

          by Torin

As I mentioned in a previous post, Purple Haze planned a two-pronged expedition to hold both the Annulus in the Ethereal Plane and its Material Plane equivalent on Tenebrion's Island. MaryJane made it open to all, and she asked me to lead the TI group. Based on PH's recent visits to the TI Hole, we expected the TI side to be the easier mission and apportioned the exile talent accordingly. Perhaps discovering a Darshak Spy in our midst should have tipped us off to expect the unexpected, but we didn't think much of it at the time.

The TI group made fast progress with little Darshak resistance, until we reached the snell just south of the Hole. Then Darshak elites swarmed around us. Some were able to escape and regroup, but many fell in a place that soon became far behind enemy lines. I departed and rejoined others at Centaur Island.

At first we had only a small trickle of Darshak elites to fight. We made our way back toward the Hole, determined to complete our assigned task. We were driven back to the beach more than once. It seems that, in addition to the Darshaks who pursued us, more of them were spawned by their priests at the beach.

The battles at south TI beach were tough and frustrating. The small opening in the wall worked to the Darshaks' advantage, as it made getting a foothold difficult. A couple of times I was able to make a fort in the southeast corner and hold several Darshaks away from the entrance, and Zaerion and others did something similar on the western side.

I heard that the EP team had met with difficulty too, and toward the end, some of them came to TI to help. Finally, after much advancing and falling back, we reached our fallen and called it quits. The Darshaks were prepared for us, so the next attempt will have to be a more secretive affair. Many thanks to everyone for their help!

OWE present: Cammie, Creed, Eli, Jeepers, J'jh, J'nder, Kalian (with the EP team), Kryll, Natas, Noivad, and Torin.



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