Thursday, August 28, 2008

Orga Salad

          by Torin

Today PAG went to the new Orga Farm, which was recently established in East Forest, right next to the University of Puddleby. We used the University as a safe haven. Its closeness allowed the fighters a chance (for a few seconds at a time) to kill the Dredlocks by the entry to the Farm while the healers rodded the lightning. After several attempts, we captured the Farm! It seems that the Orga are interested in growing kudzu. Don't be surprised if they use it against us in the future.

After that great success, we decided to try DTN. The combination of Orgas, including bolters, and webber Noids was formidable, but eventually the first cave was ours.

At one point outside DTN, a carrot hat appeared on the head of Natas, the Carrot Zo. It disappeared when we went back into the cave. Then a little later, three of the healers — Dandelion, Han, and Praetorius — found themselves wearing vegetable hats.

Not long after our victory in DTN, the Orgas struck back. They began pouring into the snell outside DTN. The early Orga waves were mostly cannon fodder. We killed hundreds of Orgas and Death Vermines, but still they kept coming. Eventually the weaker Orgas were accompanied by Dreds, Hatreds, Slimes, and even a Loathing. They overwhelmed us, and those still standing had to retreat closer to East Field. Those who were fallen and waited were eventually rescued.

OWE present: Elindir', J'jh, Natas, Torin, and Yor.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Extreme Zo Makeover

          by Torin

The original Zo's Zo has changed his look, heralded by a new battle cry of "Carrot Zo!" What is behind Natas's remarkable transformation? Has he gone vegetarian? Is it a mid-life crisis? Kisa quickly drew a new portrait to chronicle the new look. (Click on the thumbnail to the left to see the portrait much larger and in color.)


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Open Hunt, PC, and Scandal!

          by Torin

The Open Hunt had an excellent turnout today — 22 exiles! I was also happy to see several Elephants in attendance. We went to the Pitch Caves, up to PC 5.

In addition to the Noids, the four blood bladers entertained us with their falling antics, and Revlis was busy draining corpses of their blood. We also heard gossip on the sunstone about Noivad and Jady, who (some say) got married last night. Jady, however, remembers nothing of it.

OWE present: Clubby, Elindir', J'jh, Kalian, Noivad, and Torin.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Noivad Chooses

          by Torin

A little bird told me that Noivad left the company of plain old vanilla fighters and became a Ranger yesterday. Congrats! He joins OWE's other Rangers — Kalian, Lucero, and Natas.


Monday, August 11, 2008

Metzetli Calling

          by Torin

A small group — Callisto, J'jh, Kisa, SnowLion, and I — had a nice hunt in shallow Metz. Noivad joined us for a while. There was a funny moment when he first arrived. Kisa captured it perfectly in a sketch! Click on the thumbnail to see the picture much larger and in color.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Ranger Heaven

          by Torin

Blackhole wanted to hunt Death Trap Noids, and a small group started to do just that. However, there were too many webbers near the entry for us to have a good chance of making progress.

At Mujin-kun's suggestion, we changed venue to Pitch Caves. It turned out to be great for the two Rangers in the group. Blackhole got enough Malachite Arachnoid lasties to get the message for 600, and Sythe made progress in studying Crimsons. Mujin led us to PC 4 and back without breaking a sweat.

OWE present: Galadriel, J'jh, and Torin.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Selenite Quest

          by Torin

The Open Hunt had a relatively strong group today, so I figured we would try for the selenite crystal at the Gloaming caves. However, there were a couple of fallen in Dred Wood, and Toto wanted to study Book 3, so we made a quick trip there first.

Once on Metz, we made good time and had only a couple of close calls. We found a selenite crystal, which J'jh won in the die roll. Thanks to everyone for a fun hunt!

Next week, Pun'isher is leading a Book 1 expedition, so we will help out.

OWE present: J'jh, J'nder, Lucero, Noivad, and Torin.
