Sunday, September 28, 2008

TI and Metz

          by Torin

The Open Hunt started out on Tenebrion's Island, but it proved too difficult for the group. The rescue took a while, but eventually we relocated to Metz. Another group was hunting the Gloaming area, so we stayed to the northern beach and jungle areas.

I was happy to see a few new faces today. The changing roster is always a challenge, but it's a good test of leadership. Sometimes the more experienced exiles get bored or frustrated. However, the younger ones have told me that they enjoy going to places they rarely see. Puddleby is such a small community these days, so I think it's important that the "ubers" spend some time now and then with the up-and-coming fighters and healers.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Largo's Fen Treasurer

          by Hunter

I was cloud gazing in town the other day when I was blessed with the presence of the recently returned Largo. Even in his absence, he settled disputes from afar with his LargoStars and sketched impressive, insightful portraits. He is a Renaissance man for sure. Our conversation led to his new presidential campaign. As we chatted, he intuitively sensed my immense trustworthiness and wisdom. So he offered me the position of Fen Treasurer.

I accepted, wholeheartedly. What an honor! Who better to handle Puddleby's finances than a Dwarf, or more particularly, Hunter - Puff Higgy - the Ultradwarf! As the head of the Hunter Fund, Puddleby's most exemplary charitable organization, I have excellent financial advise and progressive ideas for the future President Largo. My credentials and communal oriented views are legendary. I am often seen wearing tan, as I am one of the people.

Just last year, in honor of our leading pledger, I built the Kalian Home For Homeless Halflings. To date, the Hunter Fund has contributed over 2 million coins to worthy causes. Meanwhile, our economy is suffering under the reckless spending of the current administration. As Fen Treasurer, I will ensure our coins are spent carefully. Largo is a friend of the common man, the working man, the proletariat. Largo will revitalize Puddleby and bring untold prosperity. We need change! We need Largo!

Vote Largo for a better tomorrow!


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cachus Enters 5th Circle

          by Torin

Cachus came out of retirement to pass the 5th Circle fighter test. Tuska Cachus! He promised to be in the lands more often, so we look forward to seeing him.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

TMN Interviews Noivad

          by Torin

Check out Paramedic's Q&A with Noivad about his job as a sheriff, hunting, becoming a Ranger, and threats to Puddleby.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lava Wurm Cave

          by Torin

I came out of the library to hear that there was trouble in East Forest, but it had nothing to do with Orgas. A cave to the northeast of town had some very hard-hitting creatures called Lava Wurms, as well as Lava Beetles, Lava Walkers, and Lava Elementals. I can't remember ever having been to the place, but others had. However, we did discover deeper caves that no had seen before. [Edit: My mistake. See comments.] Overall though, the area is pretty small. Once the first cave was captured, the rest was pretty easy.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

All Quiet on the Eastern Front

          by Torin

The Open Hunt went to the Slime Cave and Hippie Hollow to see what remained of the new tribe of Orgas that we fought over the last two zodiacs. The Slime Cave had only slimes, which were quickly dispatched. Hippie Hollow was challenging because of its heavy lightning, but no more so than was normal before the Orga Uprising. Our pathfinders found nothing new.

We are left with a mystery: Why did the new Orga tribe retreat? It seems unlikely that they would give up so easily. Maybe they only wanted to test their new biological/magical creations and then go back to their labs to make refinements. I wouldn't be surprised to find that our next encounter with them will not be so easily won by the forces of Puddleby.

OWE present: J'jh, J'nder, and Torin.


An Elephant By Any Other Name

          by Torin

Elindir', who recently became a Ranger (Congrats!), has shortened his name to Eli. Also, he is interested in commissioning a portrait of himself, so Puddleby artists should seek him out for details.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Education of a Stone Dwarf

          by Torin

It's been a little over a zodiac since I got enough Corsetta training to use my stonegirdle. Many people call it almost useless, but I like it a lot.

I can use it about once every ten minutes, so I have to be selective. On the other hand, I have found it most likely to be useful in emergencies, so I have to be fast enough to activate it before I fall. I am sure I have a lot to learn to hone my judgment, but I am inspired by the example set by Manquilor, Garr, and Farhope.


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Habba Enters 7th Circle

          by Torin

Habbakuk Lal passed the 7th Circle fighter test today. Congrats! Tuska Habba!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

PAG at Orga Wall and DTN

          by Torin

PAG went to the East Forest to check on the new tribe of Orgas. A gruesome warning left by them in lower East Field, just across the bridge, threatened a new attack soon. We discovered that, for the moment at least, their walls are unbreakable. However, we did find that there were small holes in the wall that allowed us to hit through it.

It appeared that we couldn't do much about the Orgas for now, so we went to DTN for the rest of the hunt. We had the good fortune to find a selenite crystal for Axell!

OWE present: J'jh, J'nder, Natas, Torin, and Yor.

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